Rain throughout the day.
Rain in the morning and afternoon.
- High 53, low 41
- Chance of rain: 98%
- Visibility: 9 miles
- 13 mph winds, with gusts up to 36 mph
Tuesday, February 23Partly cloudy throughout the day.
- High 50, low 35
- Chance of rain: 50%
- 10 mph winds, with gusts up to 30 mph
Wednesday, February 24
Possible light rain overnight.
- High 46, low 30
- Chance of rain: 20%
Thursday, February 25
Light rain in the morning and overnight.
High 51, low 39
Chance of rain: 84%
Visibility 10 miles
Friday, February 26
Rain until morning, starting again in the evening.
- High 52, low 36
- Chance of rain: 84%
- Visibility: 10 miles