Have you discovered McMenamins Yet?


Jamie visits the amazing Mcmenamins locations that you should visit while being stationed at JBLM. 
"McMenamins is a family-owned company in the Pacific Northwest serving our own handcrafted beer, wine, cider, spirits and coffee alongside good, honest pub fare since 1983. Steeped in art, history and a sense of place, locations range from neighborhood pubs to historic hotels where live music and history talks are the norm, and soaking pools, movie theaters and other fun prevail." 
Are you looking for a little entertainment this winter?
Enduring a winter in Washington can be a challenge. Whether it's the gloomy darkness that sets
in at 5pm or a weeklong streak of heavy rain. It's less appealing to be outdoors, until you’ve
become seasoned to the weather and had proper time to acquire specialized gear. So in the
meantime, what is there to do? There's a huge emphasis on indoor activities, but to avoid the
‘winter funk’ it's important to take time to find new ways to break the monotonous routine of
netflix and chill. This article will highlight the excitement of what a McMenamins Passport may
bring to your winter woes.
You may have driven past a McMenamins pub at some point, maybe even been into one of the
restaurants and had a drink. It is probable, as there are McMenamins locations scattered across
the Washington and Oregon area- predominantly along the I-5 corridor. But did you know this
brand offers something more exciting than dining and drinks? It wasn’t until I discovered the
McMenamins passport, that I really took a fascination with the 60+ pubs. McMenamins
locations have a unique history and flaunt a decorative flair. Each of the locations incorporate
the local history into their artwork because they're usually historic buildings, such as
schoolhouses, hotels, chapels, and the like, remodeled to support the restaurant and other
services the brand provides. Every one of them is unique and bizarre in the best of ways. Many
of the locations host special events like history talks, theaters you can dine in, and live music.
This is a place where you can have a weekend retreat with your family, a group of friends or
your significant other. Many of the pubs have overnight accommodations, and still some offer
spas and relaxation treatments.
So why do I enjoy the McMenamins pubs, breweries and historic hotels so much? Well, it's truly
the satisfaction of getting passport stamps and earning prizes. I love the challenge of checking
off boxes and completing scavenger hunts. The passports are available for purchase for $35, at
any of its locations and online. The highlight is that you’re getting rewarded for going out and
doing things! So not only are you breaking out of the ordinary, but you’re also drawn out for a
little adventure into towns and locations that you might not have otherwise visited. Call it the
allure of uncertainty, give it a chance to deliver elements of fun and wanderlust into your life.
My Fiance and I have had our passports for 4 years and have had a lot of fun exploring new
locations. We enjoy the challenge of acquiring new stamps, deciphering codes, discovering
secret rooms, and winning cool items that we actually use. We’re still nowhere close to finishing,
we enjoy taking our time, however if time is not in your favor consider it an added layer of
The prizes include gift cards, pint glasses, growlers, free meals, and the grand prize
(once you get the entirety of your passport stamped) is a ‘Cosmic Tripsters Party’ - basically a
big party in your honor, with free drinks, food and entertainment. In addition to the party, you’ll
receive overnight accommodations, a pair of event tickets, happy hour drink prices for a year,
and exclusive merchandise to prove you tackled the passport. So not only do you get prizes
along the way, but you get a grand prize at the end.
It's safe to say the cost of the passport is recuperated.
Check out the McMenamins website for more information and information on where you can
purchase your passport!
Photo credits above: McMenamins Facebook
Jamie was brought to the PNW originally as a Military spouse, when she began to discover Washington, often on her own using sites like ours. She has now been living here for 6+ years. Although she has ventured all across the PNW she remains in Thurston County by choice, under the guise that there is still so much to see and do. Jamie is a writer, a traveler, an outdoor recreation junkie, and a food and beverage connoisseur- always looking for the next delicious moment. She is a Master in Public Administration with an emphasis in research, writing and outreach. Her greatest honor is setting foot in all 50 states.