October 29 Joint Base Lewis-McChord Daily News


October 29 Joint Base Lewis-McChord Daily News


Air Force Times

The Air Force has put this privatized housing landlord on notice

The Air Force has issued a stern warning to the company that operates two-thirds of its privatized housingprojects that unless there is “prompt and substantial improvement” in the company’s performance, service officials will start formal action against the company.




Army Times

West Point honors pilot who took out insurgents inside Pakistan during Ranger exfil

As dawn arrived, the Ranger commander called for exfil and postured his team near the landing zone, a place where they were vulnerable to enemy fire. The ground force began receiving indirect fire from an unknown location to their north. Heisler was able to identify a six-man through her sensor pod. The joint terminal attack controller on the Ranger team gave Heisler clearance to fire again.



Daily News

U.S. Coast Guard offloads nearly $380 million worth of cocaine and marijuana in Florida

“The offload of over 13 tons of drugs represents the efforts of not only 10 Coast Guard cutters over 18 separate interdictions, but also the commitment and dedication of international allies and partners, like the Colombians, as we work together to disrupt the networks that profit from their them,” Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Jason Neiman said in a statement.




Three US Navy Sailors Died Last Week despite Pentagon Prevention Efforts, 'There's Something Bigger at Play,' Says Under Secretary

As Pentagon leaders continue to grapple with suicide and alcohol-related deaths within the rank-and-file of the U.S. military despite prevention efforts to stem both, three U.S. Navy sailors died last week—two from an apparent suicide and one from an alcohol-related incident, Newsweek has learned.


Forbes U.S. Air Force taps space startup for $12 million worth of contracts

Many entrepreneurs claim they were self-made, but Jay Skylus is more so than most business people. It’s after decades of hard work, with little money, that the CEO of space startup Aevum recently got the U.S. Air Force’s attention to the tune of as much as $12 million across three contracts.



Army Times

Soldiers’ bottled water consumption is unsustainable in the next war, Army report says

“Additionally, warmer weather increases hydration requirements,” the study reads. “This means that in expeditionary warfare, the Army will need to supply itself with more water. This significant logistical burden will be exacerbated on a future battlefield that requires constant movement due to the ubiquity of adversarial sensors and their deep strike capabilities.” https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/10/28/soldiers-bottled-water-consumption-is-unsustainable-in-the-next-war-army-report-says/


The National Interest

Brace yourself: The Army’s new M-1A2C is coming

The new M-1A2c Abrams boasts new active and passive protection that could help to protect it from the latest enemy weaponry. The most obvious new features of the M-1A2C are the vehicle’s Trophy active protection systems and an additional slab of armor on the front of its turret.



Defense News

Delays drag on as Huntington Ingalls delivers attack submarine behind schedule

(Key words): “Like the last two submarines we delivered to the Navy, Delaware has received some of the highest quality scores since the Virginia-class program began,” Dave Bolcar, Newport News’ vice president of submarine construction, said in a statement.



Army Times

Maxing the ACFT: How to fuel your body for the test

When it comes to dietary intake, a focus on good nutrition will be “playing the long game.” Just like one training session at the track will likely not earn a gold medal, one balanced meal will stop short of a good score. That being said, a wowing ACFT score will require a diet that is varied in macronutrients including carbohydrates, proteins and fats. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/10/28/maxing-the-acft-how-to-fuel-your-body-for-the-test/


Military Times

American commando raid to kill al-Baghdadi was launched al-Asad airbase, rehearsals conducted in Eribil

The source told Military Times on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record that U.S. forces rehearsed the raid in Erbil, Iraq, using concrete T-walls to practice breaching. While on the ground during the raid to capture or kill the ISIS leader, American forces blew a hole in the side of the compound — avoiding the booby-trapped entrance, President Donald Trump detailed Sunday morning.https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/2019/10/28/american-commando-raid-to-kill-al-baghdadi-was-launched-from-al-asad-airbase-rehearsals-conducted-in-erbil/




Turkey says Kurdish YPG has not fully withdrawn from Syria border area

“There are those who have withdrawn. (Syrian) regime elements are confirming this, Russia is confirming this as well. But it is not possible to say all of them have withdrawn,” Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara. Ankara views the YPG as terrorists because of their links to Kurdish insurgents in southeast Turkey. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security/turkey-says-kurdish-ypg-has-not-fully-withdrawn-from-syria-border-area-idUSKBN1X717P

Military Times

Islamic State still poses a threat after al-Baghdadi’s death

The killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by U.S. forces leaves the Islamic State without an obvious leader, a major setback for an organization that in March was forced by American troops and Kurdish forces out of the last portion of its self-declared “caliphate,” which once spanned a swath of Iraq and Syria. https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/2019/10/28/islamic-state-still-poses-a-threat-after-al-baghdadis-death/


Baghdadi is gone, but ISIS isn’t dead yet—and could be poised for a resurgence

The head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is dead. The man who led the state that called itself Islamic -- first capturing Raqqa in Syria and then leading a blitzkrieg through Iraq, rampaging through Mosul, Tikrit, to the gates of Baghdad -- is no more.


The Washington Times

Window for negotiated North Korean denuclearization closing

North Korea and the United States gave strikingly different interpretations of the collapse of working-level denuclearization talks in Stockholm. Pyongyang characteristically took a maximalist approach, both in its rhetoric and its demands. Having commanded the United States to adopt a totally “new method of calculation,” the regime disparaged Washington’s new proposals.

