
We use marketing automation with our site to help you to succeed.

We are more than a website. We offer many services that can help you to succeed. As a member of our site, you get a marketing agency to advise you. People pay big money for that. You get it for FREE!


Single Listing Pricing Plans
Babysitter Listing $9.99
Listing is featured and includes up to 10 photos, link to your website and video. 
Disregard the price. It is free for life for all of those who sign up by December 1, 2023.
After December 1, 2023 there will be a monthly fee. Sign up today.
You don't need to create a listing. You just need to sign up to ensure you are in our system.
We will send you the free promo code.  
Your contact info will not be displayed unless you choose so.
Use this listing to promote your items in Facebook groups. This ensures that someone who wants your items for sale must contact you via our form which is emailed to you from our system and they must provide a valid email which helps to ensure they are a real person.
Contact us if you get spam.
This is not for daycares.  This may not give you access to all of our Facebook groups to post business.
Pet Sitter Listing $9.99
Listing in our classifieds section. 
10x photos
Description - you can update your listing 24/7
We will send you the free promo code.  
Your contact info will not be displayed unless you choose so.
A lead will input a form and you will be emailed from the lead.
Contact us if you get spam.
FREE featured listing forever for all those who sign up by December 1, 2023. You do not have to create your listing.  You just need to register to get the free listing and you can build your listing later.  Featured listings show up above the basic listings.
Video section to be used by DiscoverJBLM.com.  
This does not give you access to all of our Facebook groups to post business.
This is NOT for brick and mortar pet boarding locations.   
Use the contact us at the bottom of the page if you have questions. 
Subscription Pricing Plans
Featured Classified Subscription $4.99
Yearly subscription only $4.99. This allows us to ensure that our visitors are being introduced to actual people in the area.
Unlimited personal goods listings with featured placement, up to 5 photos, video and optional web address.  We drive traffic also through our 140,000 members in our facebook groups. Please remove your items once sold.  Thank you.
Use this listing to promote your items in our Facebook groups.  This ensures that someone who wants your items for sale must contact you via our form which is emailed to you from our system and they must provide a valid email which helps to ensure they are a real person. 
Contact us if you get spam. 
Business posts are only allowed for DiscoverJBLM.com members. This includes real estate, estate selling companies, affiliate sales, multi-level marketing, and anyone else selling for a business. To post business items, you must be a member of DiscoverJBLM.com with a featured business listing. LEARN MORE HERE
RULES: Nothing Illegal
Video section will be used by DiscoverJBLM.com.
Contact us HERE if you have questions. Membership required with a featured listing on DiscoverJBLM.com to post business in classifieds or in our groups. 
****We reserve the right to reject any content that may not be appropriate for this site or duplicate posts.

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